You might have heard from your competitors about how they availed of different SEO companies to boost organic traffic to their eCommerce websites.
This is because SEO is one of the top opportunities for being less dependent on paid channels, ranking higher in Google search engines, and receiving more organic traffic to your website.
Bringing heavy organic traffic has never been easy, and it is specifically difficult for eCommerce websites these days. But that does not mean it is impossible.
Your journey through this article will get you a handful of beneficial techniques to get a head start. By following a few of these eCommerce SEO practices listed below, you are certain to upsurge your organic traffic.

1. Website Optimization and listings for keywords

Online stores are always in need of optimization, a properly planned optimization process saves you from the headache of struggling with a lack of customers and revenue. For this, your products and web pages should be optimized for keywords that might be ranking higher in the search engines plus it should be something your targeted audience is looking forth to.
For this, you need to consider some things while planning your keywords:

- Be the customer :

If you put yourself in your customer’s shoes, you will be able to see things from their perspective. For example, you want to optimize your website and you come to us for SEO optimization services. What will you be looking for?
Your website to work seamlessly. It should give quick responses to the queries. And, that whatever product or service you are searching for comes up within a single click. So, the keywords you will search can be how to boost my website’s performance. How can I make it more user-friendly?
The same is the case with your customers, they want the best UX and satisfying products.

- keyword intent :

You need to make sure what is the purpose of that keyword search for example if it’s an informational blog search or some service that the customer wants to avail of.

- Competition :

Not all keywords hold the same level of competition on the Google search engine. Shorter keywords can hold more searches but can be hard to bid for whereas longer keywords might not be searched as frequently but they are surely easier to rank for.

2. Structured data markup for Rich Snippets

Technical features need as much attention as the product content requires, so you need to look into them for your organic traffic.
Adding a structured data markup delivers even more details about the products on your website before a user even reaches your website. It also benefits you with rank for Rich Snippets.

3. Website navigation and structure

Generally, the time a user spends on a website is not more than 10 to 20 seconds. Hence, if your website is hard to find, especially if your categories are disorganized, you will get minimal to no traffic on your website. This is why you need to improve your website’s navigation not just for your SEO but also for good UX.
Breadcrumb navigation is a type of website navigation that demonstrates to users where they are in the hierarchy of a website without the headache of checking the URL.

4. Clear out broken links with 404-page Optimization

If your website uses an SEO tool like Ahrefs or Semrush, you will be able to easily skim off all the broken links of your website and take time to sort them. It is as simple as unbinding them to whatever they are linked to. 404 error page comes in handy and can be used to direct users to other sections of your website to see new products.

5. Mobile Responsiveness

mobile responsive
Mobile Responsiveness is a good rule of thumb for eCommerce websites. It is better to analyze your pages on mobile formerly publishing them and also be sure that the content and browsing experience are alike. There are a few things you need to see that Google considers so you need to work on them:
  • ✓ Make sure your website contains comparable content on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • ✓ Make sure the images and videos you are using on your website are optimized for mobile viewing.
  • ✓ Make sure your on-page advertisements being used do not hinder the mobile experience.
These are some techniques our experts suggest generally. But every web store is different than the other with each having its own customized services and needs. That is why every website needs customized SEO optimization. We offer the best SEO optimization service to boost traffic to your website which makes your website jump the ladder of success quicker in the search engines. Visit AizTek’s Technologies SEO optimization services today and get the best out of them for your eCommerce.

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