You are a marketer and you have a good business to run, you even have a web portal for online trading and services yet when you look at its annual results, you don’t find them up to the mark. The reason is your custom web portal is missing out on many important things.
For every business, picking the right features of a web portal helps to create a pleasing user experience, upsurge productivity, and guarantee that customers can easily access the information they need from any place or device. Custom web portals must be developed in such a manner that lets them evolve with the business without any difficulties or extensive cost requirements.
Below are seven features that your web portal should possess for its success to strike high.
In doing so, the first thing you notice is the responsiveness and interaction of the homepage, how it navigates you through the journey if it fulfills all your requirements, and whether it gives you direct jumps over the solutions and answers to your questions or it takes you to a rabbit hole of never-ending throbbers.
While developing a homepage for a web portal, also the overall design needs to be taken into consideration for the display of content, images, videos, and news. Or if you want to use the quick links menu, they should be implemented for fast access to data without any delays.
You would want your web portal to work the same way how you expect it to work while visiting one being a customer.
When you view your own web portal too many times in a day, you tend to overlook many small but important details. That is why hiring a custom web portal development company that excels in its work is a must for you to go to.
Everyone would love an investment that works for a lifetime.
Professionals know how dashboard reviews play an important role in pushing your web portal to sky-high success. For example, your web portal holds a feature of categorizing tasks.
A good web portal development company will suggest you a dashboard design that uses lists to categorize urgent or overdue tasks. So that when you complete any, you get to mark them tick. This way you’ll know what you are left with and what is left to be done.
User Personalization is a key feature that every custom web portal should have. Each legal user ought to receive information that is related only to their unique needs, user roles, and preferences
Tags and options like “Favorites” or “Bookmarks” help your portal personalize users’ selected content and can give a better user experience.
A website that uses SEO services tends to provide a unified and continuous user experience boosting the number of happy clients and thus giving your website a high rank in search engine queries. We keep these factors in mind while devising an SEO package to help your website to strike first in the rank list.
Every product has some foundation that creates the basis on which it stands, for web portals, content is what you need to see before anything else.
Companies that grow fast and well is because they tend to deliver their message to their customers efficiently. This is one of those features we pay special focus on since our clients matter to us the most.
We believe in conveying your message to the world clearly and effectively so you can grow to the level you dream of.
If you have a business that often sends out or receives products, feedback, or services especially if it is across states, you’ll want to keep a track of your orders. Such business demands constant tracking to guarantee that processes stay on schedule and delays are dealt with on time.
For this, your web portal needs the support of good and efficient tracking tools. We provide effective tracking strategies and tools to do the work for you and let you enjoy success.
If you visit an online web portal and get to know that they still go with a manual form submission, how would you feel? Stressed, right!
Since businesses rely heavily upon technology for completing tasks that are too repetitive and simple to do. Online form submission has become something that is no more dealt with manually.
But this change highlights important things to consider.
Your web portal should be easy to use for everyone despite how much they are far from technology.
No one wants a general solution to their problem that only covers 15% of the issues. You would want a customized web portal to give your services to the public. Likewise, customers prefer services and portals that are customized according to their needs.
Calendars, forms, news, and widgets need to be included in your portal to let your user enjoy what he wants.